Monday, May 13, 2013

Some of the Projects I learned this past winter

While we were wintering in Arizona, there was a fantastic Beading Group at the Saguaro SKP RV Park!
It was fun sharing beading patterns and learning new ones. I even got to go to the famous Tucson Bead and Gem Show through the group.

Tila Beads, the little square beads, were the rage!
Purple Horizon  #PH 202    $12 plus $2 shipping in USA
Pink and Amethyst Swaroski Crystal Quilted Cuff -Item # CQC #203  $15
plus $2 shipping in USA

Then we discovered Tile Beads, a little bigger, with a porcelain feel! 
Great to work with and lots of different colors.
Here are 4 of the cuffs I made, Item # TC 204  $20, plus $2 in USA

I do ship to Canada, however the rates doubled lately to $7.50 shipping

Seed Bead and Cube Cuff  $12
Pearls and Crystal Cuff $15
Tila Cuff  $15 plus shipping

I can do all kinds of colors to customize these to your wardrobe, just ask me for suggestions!

Here is an example, it is a Double Sidewinder in Turquoise Crystals 
that a client had commissioned me to do. I like it so much I want one for me! :)
This one uses LOTS of Swarovski crystals - over 210 of them, so it will be $20 plus $2 shipping

Then we learned about Czech Rizo Beads and two hole Super Duos!

Single Circle Earrings $5 or
Figure Eights $8
What color goes well for you?

These are Sunbursts $5

Thank you for reading and checking in! Let me be your Personal Jeweler!
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